Publications & Guides
Product Information
Everyday Elements - Your Comprehensive Guide to Disposable Paper Products
Trash Talk - Your Comprehensive Guide to Can Liners
At Gordon Food Service, the process of clearly defining our position in the area of sustainability has been important and very educational during the past several years. Through this process, we have come to realize that the concept of Stewardship more accurately describes our company's history, our culture, and our future aspirations. Stewardship is defined as "the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care."
Kosher product list and letters of certification
The products listed in the below document represent a subset of Gordon Food Service stocked items that we know to be kosher.
We retain copies of the kosher letters of certification for all of our kosher-certified private brand products. To find a letter of certification, enter the reorder number of the product on this page.
Please contact Customer Service at (800) 968-4164 or if you have questions about private brand letters of certification or for vendor contact information for national brand products.