Food Allergen Awareness
Welcome to the Gordon Food Service Food Allergen Awareness page. This page has been developed to help foodservice operators who are serving patrons with food allergies or intolerances.
Did You Know?
According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), over 32 million people in the United States have food allergies and every three minutes a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room.
While only 9 foods account for 90% of all reactions, it can be extremely difficult to serve those with food allergies. Gordon Food Service offers a variety of resources designed to help you overcome these challenges. To view these resources, please use the navigation bar to the left. For questions, please contact the Nutrition Resource Center at
Food allergen poster
For a hard copy poster, please reach out to your Customer Development Specialist directly.
Training topics
If you are interested in training your own staff on how to handle food allergies in your food service department, please take advantage of our Food Allergy Foodservice Training Topics. Each training is complete with a PowerPoint presentation, presenter notes, activities, pre-/post-tests, sign-in sheets, and certificates of completion.
top 9 ALlergen Free REcipes
This recipe collection was created by team of experts including the Culinary Institute of America, Spork Foods, Inc., DC Vegan Catering and Chef Dustin Harder of The Vegan Roadie.
How to Obtain Ingredient Information:
Gordon Food Service understands the severity and importance of food allergies. Providing accurate ingredient information to concerned customers is a top priority. It is our policy to provide customers with detailed ingredient statement information for all of the Gordon Food Service family of brands products. We will provide our customers with contact information for available nationally branded products (including websites if available) so that the manufacturer can be contacted directly. It is our policy that customers should check the label each and every time a product is consumed to check for any allergens that may be present – this stance was developed through speaking with vendors and reviewing recommendations from professional groups.
To locate ingredient statements for Gordon Food Service products on Gordon Experience, click on the Ordering Tab and search for the product in question. Once the item appears, click on the hyperlinked name of the product. This will provide both the nutrition and ingredient information on the product.