
The Nutrition Resource Center (NRC), staffed by registered dietitians and support personnel, is your resource for all things nutrition, food safety, menu planning, regulations, support, and much more.

Each year, the Nutrition Resource Center hosts webinars to address current topics, trends, industry issues, and provide solutions for your business needs. Join the NRC for live webinars with guest speakers from the industry, and even receive continuing education credits.

Continuing Education Credits

Credits have been applied for through the following associations.

As of October 1, 2022 SNA will not be granting pre-approval for Continuing  Education Credits. SNA Members will have the opportunity to submit on their own behalf and claim CEU credit if the content meets SNA and USDA  Professional Standards. Gordon Food Service will continue to provide a certificate of completion that members will need to submit to SNA.

Past Webinars

Receive 1 CEU after watching a recorded webinar. Please use the link beneath the title to request a copy of your certificate. Credits are valid for 3 years from the presentation date.

Webinars with CEUs 

Overcoming Barriers to Implementing IDDSI

CEUs Available: ANFP, ACF

Presented July 9, 2024

Click here to request a copy of your certificate

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Training Tips for a Successful Transition to IDDSI

CEUs Available: ANFP, AND, ACF

Presented March 1, 2022

Click here to request a copy of your certificate

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Do More With Less: Considerations for Technology to Increase Efficiencies in Your Operation

CEUs Available: AND, ANFP, ACF, SNA 

Click here to request a copy of your certificate. 

Presented January 18, 2022

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Webinars with Education Professional Standard Hours Available

Professional Standards are annual training requirements and hiring standards for professionals in school nutrition programs. The webinars below no longer qualify for CEUs, but do meet the requirement for Education Professional Standard hours. 

Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented March 5, 2015

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COVID-19 Lessons Learned: K12 Foodservice Operators Success Stories

CEUS Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented May 18, 2021

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Decoding Date Codes

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

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Don't Be Fooled By Common Food Safety Myths

CEUS Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented September 17, 2015

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Handling Special Diet Requests in Schools

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented August 6, 2015

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"Healthy Eating": Understanding, Impact and Opportunities

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours 

Presented May 9, 2019

Click here to request a copy of your certificate.

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K-12: Trending Label Claims, Regulation Updates and Kitchen Waste

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours

Presented: March 27, 2019

Click here to request a copy of your certificate.

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Reducing Food Waste

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented January 15, 2015

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Successfully Marketing your K-12 Foodservice Program

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented April 17, 2015

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The Quest for Health: Inspiration from Commercial Kitchens

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours.

Presented February 19, 2015

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Understanding the New Professional Standards Rule for K-12

CEUS Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours

Presented April 5, 2016

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Unique and Healthy: Fresh Flavor Ideas for Non-Commercial Menus

CEUS Available: None. Education Professional Standard hours

Presented February 11, 2016

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What You Need to Know about Food Safety Regulations

CEUs Available: None. Education Professional Standard Hour

Presented September 15, 2016

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Other Webinars (no ceus available)

Are You Prepared? Building a Regulatory-Compliant Disaster Nutrition Plan

CEUS Available: None

Presented January 14, 2021

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Bringing Person-centered Dining Choice to Residents in Health Care Communities

CEUS Available: None

Presented February 1, 2018

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Building Healthy Communities

CEUS Available: None

Presented March 13, 2019

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COVID-19 and the Impact on Non Commercial Operations

CEUS Available: None

Presented May 14, 2020

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Decoding Dining with Dementia and International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative

CEUS Available: None

Presented February 23, 2017

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Delicious Melting Pot: Exploring Global Foods

CEUS Available: None

Presented May, 24, 2016 

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Food for Thought: The MIND Diet

CEUS Available: None

Presented May 16, 2017

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Get Inspired: Restaurant Trends for Your Foodservice Operation

CEUS Available: None

Presented July 19, 2017

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Going Local? Considerations, Safety and Opportunities

CEUS Available: None

Presented January 29, 2020

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Got Data? The Answer to Making the Best Decisions for your Foodservice Operation in your Community

CEUS Available: None

Presented May 17, 2018

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Grants 101: Finding, Applying and Being Awarded

CEUs Available: None

Presented September 21, 2020

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How to Use CMM to Improve Customer Satisfaction

CEUS Available: None

Presented May 14, 2015

Have you been asked to do more with less? Cut cost by maximizing your tools. This webinar will provide an overview of balancing food cost versus labor cost, will teach how to provide census specific production, and will also provide the benefits of using the production module to increase efficiencies in your kitchen.

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Ingredients for Success: How to Develop High-Quality Recipes

CEUS Available: None

Presented November 29, 2017

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Innovative Ways to Train Across Generations

CEUS Available: None

Presented May 9, 2018

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Introducing Cycle Menu Management (CMM): Tray Ticket Module

CEUS Available: None

Presented March 31, 2016

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Keeping a Good Team Together: Top Strategies to Engage and Motivate Your Foodservice As You Adapt to the Lingering Pandemic

CEUs Available: None

Presented June 25, 2020

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Portable & Delicious: Menu Design and Food Safety for Delivery

CEUs Available: None

Presented May 21, 2020

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Safe Kitchens in Times on COVID-19

CEUs Available: None

Presented May 19, 2020

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Strategies for Successful Surveys

CEUs Available: None

Presented June 16, 2021

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The Top 10 Ingredients Needed for a Successful Dining Experience

CEUs Available: None

Presented July 28, 2020

resources for CDM’s to lean on to change current practices

operations related to cost, waste, and resident satisfaction

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Training for Keeps: Benefits and Tips for Training Non-commercial Foodservice Staff

CEUs Available: None

Presented December 8, 2020

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Hours: M-F 8-5 EST