Healthcare Emergency Preparedness
Now is the time to make sure you and your foodservice team has a plan for emergency sitautions. From menus to checklists and more, use the resources below to help plan and preapre.
Emergency Menus
7 Day Menu (Regular Diet Only):
7 Day Week at a Glance (Regular Diet Only)
3 Day Menu (Regular, Mechanical Soft and Pureed Diets)
3 Day No-Electricity Menu (Pureed Diet Only)
Supporting Resources
Idea Center Article: Is Your Healthcare Community Ready for an Emergency?
Idea Center Article: Emergency Preparedness Starts with Planning
Webinar: Are You Prepared? Building a Regulatory Compliant Disaster Nutrition Plan
Experience Page: Healthcare Menu Substitutions
Health and Wellness Guide > Emergency Preparedness Section (p.44)
Foodservice Training Topic > Emergency Planning for the Foodservice Department
2020 Meals for All Brochure: Contact your Gordon Food Service Sales Representative for more information on ordering these emergency preparedness options.
Industry Resources: